Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Problem with Tom/What's in a name?

So I have an issue. I don't like my hero's name. Petty I know, but when I started writing my current MS, he was originally Nicholas Bradley, now he's Thomas Bradley and I'm thinking of changing it back, or perhaps, calling him something else. In the grand scheme of things does it matter what his name is? probably not, but I'm finding it hard to continue till I figure it out.

Am I alone on this? Has anyone else started an MS then changed the main character's names half way through? I generally change the look of the character or the image I use for inspiration, but not the actual name.

So here is Tom/Nick. Does he look more like a Tom or a Nick? And what's in a name anyway? Does it alter our perception of a a character if we can link their name to past experiences or people we know?


  1. Actually I have an article somewhere from eharlequin that discusses the importance of the character's name and gives tips lol but that was relating mainly to the flow of syllables for first and last name combo. Even so, I think that article's presence means we can be as fussy as we like about hero and heroine's names until we find the right one ;)

  2. Hmm flow of syllables? Interesting Lacey. Either way I have one for the first name and two for the second.

  3. Hmmm. I actually quite like Tom. It's the name of one of my Super heroes... but saying that... maybe it isn't that ALPHA?! Ahh... who knows. :)

  4. I think he looks like a Ryan or maybe something like a Sean.

  5. Rach - I think the whole aplha thing is playing on our minds a little too much.
    Susan - I like them all!
