Monday, August 31, 2009

Back on the bench and on the fence

Last Friday I sent off baby number two into the abyss, which can only mean one thing....Back on the NTAI bench (many thanks to Jackie for coining this reference).

So, I guess the best way to adhere to NTAI would be to start my brand spanking shiny new project. But I have uno problemo....

I have two ideas floating, two heroines cast, (having some issues with my hero's, but that's another post altogether) and on the fence regarding which idea to go with. Do I tell Claire's story - A girl that falls in love with a rogue of a hero after he takes her to a football match? Or do I tell Abby's, the prodigal daughter - Ambitious, strong willed and clashes with our hero from the very first line on the page?

Funny enough my two heroines come from my latest fave show on TV - Packed To The Rafters (did I mention its my fave show??) Here are my two beautiful heroine's: Claire (Jessica McNamee) and Abby (Jessica Marais)
PS - Wonky images again because I can't work out how to resize them! Sorry...


  1. Woohoo, you go with the new sub! Waiting is such fun - not. :-) Plenty of room on the NTAI bench with the rest of us...
    Love your heroines. Hey, why not write both at the same time! ;-)

  2. Hey Jackie - yes, I guess I could do both and then see which one I like best for the presents comp...

  3. I LOVE The idea of the football match!! But I'm sure the other one is equally fab! Why not write the first chap of each and see which one you want to keep writing on?!

  4. yeah I am leaning towards the footie match as well, I actually have a third one brewing (a spin off from the footie/Claire & Owen wip) but i think three would just complicate things way too much!

  5. Thanks Lacey - thought I was going to have some down time between projects, but am itching to start a new one (and finish the rest of the subbed one of course!)
